Image Adjustment & Cleanup
The challenge of this assignment was to select a photo of my own and use a variety of adjustment layers, layer masks, and cleanup tools such as spot healing, clone stamp, and content aware fill.

Double Exposure
Puppet Warp & Select and Mask
The objective of this assignment was to make a double exposure portrait of myself utilizing blending modes and adjustment layers.
This assignment's objective was to create a new composition using multiple images by melding them together with puppet warp and the select and mask tools.
One of the funnest projects I've done for any class so far.

Image Trace
Shape Composition
The objective of this assignment was to take an existing picture or sketch and then trace the image in Adobe Illustrator.
This assignment's objective was to create an original composition based on a symbol that could not be edited or altered.

Animated GIF
Layer Effects & Vanishing Point
The objective for this assignment was to create an animated GIF in Photoshop based off of a video I had taken.
This assignment's objective was to create a composition using a two-surface vanishing point and layer effects.

Final Project -
"Real Smooth"
"Real Smooth"
My final project of the term, titled "Real Smooth." The goal of this assignment was to utilize all the Photoshop and Illustrator skills learned throughout the term to create a movie poster, starring myself.