Film Noir Portrait
The challenge of this assignment was to create a series of portraits in a Film Noir style, incorporating elements such as stark lighting, high contrast between shadows and highlights, themes of vice, mystery, etc. The look was achieved by utilizing the shadows cast by the summer sun and using Adobe Lightroom to get the final Noir finishing touches.

Found Space, Place, & Landscape
The purpose of this assignment was to create a short series of landscape photographs, capturing “found” scenes - no staging or arranging. I used this as an opportunity to continue experimenting with the way color can affect perception, mood, and tone.

Out of Place
My final project of the term, Out of Place, explores themes of death and loss.
It is also a series of self-portraits.
The basis of this series is in my own experience with the death of a loved one. Living with grief personally is what inspired me to explore this concept with self-portraits. Each photo is actually two or more photos layered together and edited to recreate the aesthetic of double exposure film photography. Losing a loved one can feel like you have lost a part of yourself. In expressing this feeling through the lens of self-portrait, I am trying to capture this sense of missing self.